地下に広がる世界 Into The Underground
(教室・アビス 夜)
Abyssian Classroom | Evening
???: ……なあ、ユーリス。おれたちがここで欠伸を噛み殺してる意味はあんのかね?
???: Ugh… Yuri, this is brutal. Tell me again why you’re subjecting me to this devastating boredom…
???: 噛み殺せてねえぞ。ったく、そんなに暇なら俺が一勝負、付き合ってやっても良いが……
???: Enough with the yawning, Balthus. If you’re really that bored, we could always make a friendly wager…
???: あー……やめとく。近頃は寒々としててな。お前に巻き上げられるのは懲り懲りだ。
???: Thanks but no thanks, pal. I’m low on funds as it is. Last thing I need is another debt I can’t pay.
???: 何言ってんだか。暖かかったら喜んでバラ撒くじゃん、バルト。
???: Right, B. As if you could say no to that.
???: おーっほっほっほ! 手持無沙汰なら頭を働かせていれば良いのですわ!
???: Ahaha! How diverting that you should bicker for my amusement!
Imagine my overwhelming dread were I stuck here without such joyous entertainment.
???: ま、働かせる頭はハピもないし、ユリーとコニーに任せて……
???: Count me out. I’ll leave the talking to Yuri-bird and Coco.
ごろつき: ……お頭!
Rogue: Hey, Boss!
ユーリス: どうした、随分早く戻ってきたな。何か地上で動きでもあったか?
Yuri: Back already, huh? Have you detected any movement on the surface?
ごろつき: ああ……お頭の指示どおり枢機卿の会合を探ってきたんだが……。
Rogue: Well, uh, I looked for the cardinals’ meeting―just like you said…
Thing is, I was spotted by some weirdos. They chased after me and everything.
ユーリス: おかしな連中……? 騎士団か?
Yuri: “Some weirdos,” you say. So very helpful. They weren’t knights, were they?
ごろつき: 詳しいことはわからねえ……。数は7、8人だったと思うが、武装してる。
Rogue: I dunno. There were only a few of ‘em, but I bet they were armed to the teeth!
ユーリス: その人数じゃ、地下を制圧しようって腹でもなさそうだな。
Yuri: With meager numbers like that, I doubt they intend to take on Abyss.
バルタザール: 大方、お前を悪党だと思って捕らえに追ってきたんだろ。
Balthus: They probably took you for some kind of villain. They’ll lock ya up if they catch ya.
Finally, a little action! Let’s find them first and throw some punches.
コンスタンツェ: お待ちなさい、バルタザール!貴方はどうしていつもそう短慮で……
Constance: Hold, Balthus! ‘Tis ignorance itself to rush headfirst into trouble.
ハピ: そういうコニーだって、どーせ戦うじゃん?新しい魔法を試したいとか言ってたし。
Hapi: You’re excited to fight too. You’ve been waiting for a chance to try out your shiny new magic.
ユーリス: ま、ここは地上の法が及ばねえ場所だ。多少遊んでやったって罪には問われねえさ。
Yuri: Heh heh, surface laws don’t apply down here. That gives us the freedom to have some fun with them.
They’re probably not knights, but our new friends definitely work for the church.
コンスタンツェ: あ、貴方たちっ……! ちょっと!お待ちなさい! 私も、私も行きますわ!
Constance: You had best not leave me behind!
(通路・アビス 夜)
Passageway | Evening
エーデルガルト: ここは……ただの通路ではなさそうね。人の痕跡も多いし、住居のようにも見えるわ。
Edelgard: Hmm… It seems this place is more than a simple passageway. There’s clear evidence of human habitation.
ヒルダ: ガルグ=マクの地下……そういえば昔、兄さんから聞いたことがあったっけ。
Hilda: People living under Garreg Mach… Oh! My brother used to tell me stories like that back in his Academy days.
クロード: ん? ああ、ホルストさんも士官学校の卒業生だったか。
Claude: Ah, so Holst attended the academy as well, then?
ヒルダ: うん。兄さんが生徒だった頃に、ガルグ=マクの地下にまつわる噂があってね。
Hilda: Of course. Back then, there were tons of rumors about what goes on below Garreg Mach.
Something about tons of passages and houses beneath the town, all inhabited by super-shady people.
It had a real intimidating name too. Ah, what was it again… I think it was called...Abyss?!
バルタザール: そのとおり!ここはガルグ=マクの地の底“アビス”だ!
Balthus: That’s two points for the pink-haired gal! Welcome to Abyss, strangers.
ディミトリ: ! 誰だ……!
Dimitri: Identify! Yourself!
That uniform…
バルタザール: ようこそ、士官学校の生徒さんよ!華々しい方々が、こんな場所に何の用だ?
Balthus: Welcome, curious students of the Officers Academy! What brings such fine, upstanding surface dwellers to our humble abode?
クロード: いや、俺たちは大修道院をうろついていた怪しい人影を追ってきただけでね。
Claude: We’re tracking someone who was creeping around the monastery.
エーデルガルト: 貴方たちに用はないわ。そこを通してもらえないかしら?
Edelgard: Our business here does not concern you. Do you intend to let us pass?
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほっほっ!それは無理な相談ですわよ!
Constance: Ahaha! Such indulgence simply cannot be permitted.
Your words may fool the fool, but I cannot be so easily deceived!
I, Constance von Nuvelle, shall divine your true intentions.
You are here by order of the church...which cruelly plots to eliminate the inhabitants of Abyss!
Choice 1: 排除……? You think the church wants to eliminate you?
Choice 2: 介入……? You think we’re trying to harm you?
エーデルガルト: ヌーヴェル……?
Edelgard: Did she say...Nuvelle?
バルタザール: 戦う理由がありさえすりゃ、中身は何だって関係ねえだろ。
Balthus: I don’t care what the reason for this brawl is. A fight’s on the menu, and I’m ready to feast.
Let’s get right to it, yeah?
ディミトリ: ……見るに、なかなかの手練れのようだ。いちいち相手をするのは得策ではないな。
Dimitri: By the look of them, I'd wager they’re experienced combatants. I’m not certain this is a wise endeavor.
クロード: ああ、そいつは俺も同感だ。今日のところは引き揚げるか……
Claude: I was thinking the very same thing. Time to make a strategic retreat, then?
ユーリス: この期に及んで帰るだなんて、そう寂しいこと言ってくれるなよ。なあ?
Yuri: Turning back already? Oh, but you’ll make me so sad. Now why would you wanna do that?
Everyone here is starved for amusement. They’ve been waiting for a good fight.
クロード: ほほう……鮮やかな挟撃の手並み、やっぱりただのごろつきじゃなさそうだ。
Claude: Wow, look at that. A flawless example of a surprise attack. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill thugs.
ディミトリ: おい、クロード。感心している場合か。ここは俺たちで突破口を開かねば……
Dimitri: Claude, this isn’t the time to be impressed by our enemy. We must find a way through at once.
バルタザール: 待て……クロード?リーガン公爵家の、新しい嫡子か?
Balthus: Wait… Claude, is it? As in the brand-new heir of House Riegan?
クロード: いや、人違いだろ? クロードなんてフォドラじゃ珍しくもない名前だ。
Claude: Who, me? Nah. Wrong guy. Claude’s a common name in Fódlan. It’s just too dashing for new moms to pass up.
It’s even a popular choice for fake names. Just a good, solid, all-purpose moniker, you know?
バルタザール: だが、今年の士官学校の生徒にクロードって名の男は一人だけだろ?
Balthus: Right, except there’s only one Claude enrolled at the academy this year. Looks like that’s you.
クロード: おいおい、何でまたそんなことまで知ってるんだよ……
Claude: How do you even know that?
バルタザール: はっはあ!こいつはとんだ僥倖だぜ!
Balthus: Ha, you just gave yourself away, pal. Looks like my luck’s finally taking a turn for the good.
All right, so your choices are as follows: line up for the beating of a lifetime...or let us lock you up like the good little boys and girls you undoubtedly are.
クロード: 悪いな、みんな。心当たりはないんだが……どうやら俺のせいで遺憾にも戦闘に突入だ。
Claude: I have no clue what this guy’s going on about, but it looks like a fight’s in order, and it’s pretty much all my fault.
There’s a saying from the east about fighting a flicker with a flame. Seems applicable right about now.
バルタザール: ようやくやる気になったかよ。“レスターの格闘王”の拳、味わってけ!
Balthus: Finally! Let’s do this already! Prepare to face the Almighty King of Grappling!
ヒルダ: うーん……あの男の人、なーんかどこかで見たことあるような……。
Hilda: Hm… Why can’t I shake the feeling that I know that wild man?